Inspirational videos / Specification


The mp3 amp design will meet the following specification requirements:

Contextual requirements-target audience, brand values

1.   The mp3 amp must appeal to the general consumers of Monster energy which happen to be prominently males between 13-35 but must also interest women of this age range.
2.   It must show a level of high quality performance as well as be aesthetically pleasing to look at.
3.   It must be an aesthetically pleasing piece to have on display whilst in use or not, in a modern home.

Product requirements-H&S and Performance

1.   It must be easy to use.
2.   It must be easy to access the battery for changing.
3.   It must stand securely whilst in use or on display.
4.   It must produce a good quality sound for the speaker provided.
5.   It must not be too large as it is likely to sit on a shelf or above another piece of furniture.


1.   The product must be user friendly, consisting prominently of smooth round corners but still portray an element of the extreme cutting edge sports that Monster promote.

Manufacturing process & materials

1.   Being the first in a batch of 50 CAD/CAM will be used extensively to ensure that the product can be reproduced quickly and accurately.
2.   Care will be taken when planning the piece to make it as environmentally friendly as possible regarding material wastage and processing.
3.   It will be made of materials and finished in a way that exudes quality.


The entire product including the battery will cost no more than £10.00 excluding the labour to manufacture.